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Nov 29, 2016

This week, Gary and  Gary discuss skid plate systems.  Typically skid systems will include an engine and transmission skid plate, a transfer case skid plate, and a gas tank skid plate. They cover everything you need to know when choosing which skid plates to get. They announce the winner of the Thanksgive-a-way, so...

Nov 22, 2016

This week, Gary and  Gary discuss a bunch of snow wheeling stories and everything you need to know get out your jeep out into the snow. But first they cover all the jeep life activities they've been involved in for the week - welding, bondo body work, hub maintenance, YJ check-up and more . And they discuss some...

Nov 15, 2016

This week, Gary and Gary discuss the inner workings of drag links. Don't forget to check out for upcoming events. Keep participating in our Thanks-Give-a-way for a chance to win some awesome off-roading accessories. Gary works on banging out some body dents on his Jeep after some rough encounters...

Nov 8, 2016

This week, Gary and Gary discuss the Wheeling Bootcamp event they put on to help folks get the right start into wheeling their jeeps. But first, they review the upcoming events including the Thanks Give-a-way. Listen for details on how to win prizes worth nearly $50. Lots of work in the MechanHack Shack this week: JK...