Jul 18, 2016
Gary and Gary bring back Shawn and Roberto into the on-the-road version of the Funny Moon Studios. They catch up on the week of preparing to run the Rubicon Trail in Northern California. They all play the Jeep game with a shocking ending that has never happened before. A little more talk about the Rubicon and a great discussion on a couple great areas in the Northwest. First, a walkthrough of a day Roberto spent at Tillamook State Forest in Oregon. Then a full report on the Jeep Jamboree out at the Naches area. Visit us at nwjeepcast.com and use our Amazon affiliate link. Hop on over to iTunes and give us a rating and some feedback. Thanks for your support!
Hope the trip went great..... I will be doing the Rubicon Trail in October and have the same set up as Roberto except I have a 3 1/2 inch lift....... I'm curious to hear how he fared on the trail.